Hit list

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Search results -- the Hit List


The results of your search appear in the Hit List. This has two forms, and you can choose which you prefer at any time. The 3D version is a list that runs off towards the horizon (right):

... and the 2D version appears down the left-hand side of the Map or 'Scape window (left). You can switch between them by pressing Ctrl+H or by selecting from the Lists control bar at the foot of the screen. We find the 2D version best when there are many hits, and the 3D form more convenient most of the time.

If your search yields just one result, and that result is a topic, Topicscape will go straight to that topic's Topic Center.

If a search yields just one result and that result is an occurrence, Topicscape will go straight to the Topic Center and highlight that occurrence. The containing topic that will appear with the occurrence in the Hit list does not count when deciding if there's just one result, unless that topic also meets the search criteria.

On the right of the Hit List is the History List. There's more about that in The History list.

All the hits that correspond with a topic in the current Map or 'Scape will show a yellow dot. Hover over this type of hit and a yellow line will appear from the list item to the corresponding topic in the Map or 'Scape. If there is more than one instance of the topic in the Map or 'Scape, more than one line will appear to indicate the position of each.

Click on a hit with a yellow dot, and the yellow line will appear and remain, until another selection is made, or until Esc is pressed. This is the quick-flight path -- see Flying on autopilot.

If you are searching for old material in your Topicscape, you may want to include hits from Topicscape Orphans in the results. There is a checkbox that allows this, called "Orphans included", in the Lists Control Bar menu (see below). Orphans features may not be visible, if switched off in the Options panel.

All hits that correspond to a topic in Topicscape Orphans will be indicated by gray topics.

Long lists of results after a search

The 2D Hit List provides conventional scrolling to allow the full list to be examined.

To avoid the need for extensive flying into the scene to view a long list, the 3D list has a "page turning" function instead. Arrows on the left and right of the Hit List's front panel allow you to page forwards and backwards if a search results in more than 35 hits.

Lists control bar

Above is the Lists control bar. This runs across the foot of the Map or 'Scape window. This provides options for you to select from that determine how the Hit and History lists appear and what they contain. Press Ctrl+M or click on the button to the right of "Hit list shows" to filter and sort the Hit list.

Click on the button to the right of the "Hit / History lists" caption to select the type of lists to use -- 3D or 2D.

Hit List shortcuts

Here are some shortcuts that you may find useful when working with the Hit List:

  • Ctrl+t: Limit hits appearing in the Hit List to Topics only -- show them in alphabetical order.
  • Ctrl+o: Limit hits appearing in the Hit List to Occurrences only -- show them in alphabetical order. If you requested only Topics to be examined during the search, pressing Ctrl+O will result in an empty list.
  • Ctrl+b: (Both) Show all hits appearing in the Hit List -- Topics & Occurrences -- show them in alphabetical order of topic with occurrence hits alphabetically with their respective topics.
  • Ctrl+m: Show the menu for the Lists Control bar.

There are other options for sequence (various dates and file extension) in the Lists Control Bar menu.

To view the lists quickly, press the End key. If you are using the 3D Lists, your viewpoint will be moved, and if you use the 2D Lists, they will swing out to be fully visible.

The other list, to the right of the Hit List, is the History List (see History list).

Flying on autopilot

Having found what you want using a search, you will usually want to view that topic in context. If the target topic is already in the current Map or 'Scape (indicated by the yellow dot), there's a shortcut: Topicscape will do the work for you.

Click on the hit list item -- a yellow line to the topic ('the quick-flight path') will appear. Either right-click on the line and select 'Fly to topic in context' or double-click on the line. Topicscape will take you to a high-up view of the topic in context, while allowing you to see where it is going. Pressing Esc at any time allows you to stop mid-flight.

Holding Backspace down allows you to retrace your route and Shift+Backspace reverses a retrace, both as usual.

Next: Include orphan topics

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